things that I think people can take to help them in general these are gonna be correlation effects not causation so it's not like oh I take this or drink this and now I'm just burning fat but I'm gonna give you some of the the logic as to why I might recommend these things a lot of times if someone is trying to lose weight and they don't have a vast nutritional knowledge you know especially someone who is gonna be like pre-diabetic or something like that there's a lot of hormonal things that can be helped through proper nutrition and the issue is is most people unless they hire a coach or a nutritionist it's gonna take them probably at least a year even if they're self educated like maybe more like you and I were I didn't do anything right first year you know what I mean oh like a good multivitamin and that's not gonna make you lose weight by any means but probably people are not covering their bases of multivitamins and there is some essential ones that if you for instance if you're short on magnesium and vitamin D you're putting yourself out a little much less advantageous place lose weight like systemically you know what I mean inside the body so can it happen without